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To facilitate mobility for dual career (DC) students, we are currently develoing an IT tool for searching opportunities for exchange studies where the students can be sure that their sports career is taken into consideration during the exchange. Where these opportunities are located will depend on the conditions of the DC program at the host university, and on the possibilities of training and competing in your sport in the vicinity of the university.

While existing solutions for searching exchange opportunities focus on studies and student life at the host university, we are focusing solely on sport and create a system dedicated to handling information that is quite different from that of educational programs.

The success of this project depends on a well-designed database. Students need to be able to easily find relevant information and learn how to proceed in order to gain access to DC program benefits and training opportunities withing their sport, often taking place outside of the host university.

To reach a high coverage of opportunities, it is equally important to design the tool in such a way that uploading data from universities across Europe is streamlined and easy, keeping administration to a minimum, and to establish routines for keeping the data current.

In addition to the SAMEurope project team, IT officers at Chalmers contribute with their expertise in the development and governance of IT systems for education, to ensure that we build a system that is sustainable beyond the timeline of this project. Most of the technical development is carried out by IT consultants that are contracted via a framework agreement with our universities while the consortium is working on the content and what we want to see in the tool.

Early 2023, we have evaluated and decided on a suitable technical solution for this system. In this process we have been guided by the findings from the survey of good practices carried out within the SAMEurope project, since this provided important information about common denominators as well as differences among universities with DC students. Furthermore, the study gives us a starting point for making the database user-friendly and useful.

Student Athletes Erasmus+ Mobility in Europe is the first project supporting dual career students in their Erasmus+ mobility experience, co-financed by the European Commission.

SAMEurope is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.