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Guide of good practices


The idea of a guide for universities arises out of students’ concern to experience other universities in the European Union, without compromising the development of their dual careers.

The guide is structured around the following objectives:
– Identifying athlete students everyday-needs to pursue a dual career in a European university;
– Encouraging new actions in universities that would facilitate Erasmus+ mobilities for athletes.

As a starting point, a survey was conducted in December 2022 by the consortium who also worked on a bibliographic search and collected existing resources about dual careers. The survey was validated internally and translated into each partner’s official language. Then, the survey was distributed to dual-career students and alumni across the five universities. Between March and June 2023, the data collected in the surveys was processed and the results gathered in the Best Practices Compendium which can be find below.

Download the final version of the Best Practices Compendium:

Gathering Best Practices

The guide identifies actions carried out by the universities in the consortium, which are recognized as experienced stakeholders on a European scale for sport at University. Actions are classified according to their level of implementation, as well as their relevance among students who pursue a dual career.

This work focuses on staffs’ points of view, in order to detect the differences and similarities between universities, as well as between the student’s expectations and the actions carried out by universities.

The aim is to classify and highlight actions that are efficient and easy to implement for other universities.

In December 2023, the consortium of SAMEurope finalised the final version of the ‘Good Practices Implementation’, which is one of the three main deliverables of the project. The consortium worked on a 20-page document that identifies 14 best practices which are organized in two main categories: administration and benefits.

The document details each of the 14 best practices and explains how Higher Education Institutions (HEI) that would like to join the network should implement them. This provides structure and recommendations on how to support DC students in the best of ways.

By supporting athletes in their studies abroad, SAMEurope believes that universities will strengthen their existing collaborations with academic, sport and governmental bodies and will present DC students with an opportunity to make the most out of their international mobility thanks to a structured network.

Download the final version of the Guide of Good Practices:

English version

Student Athletes Erasmus+ Mobility in Europe is the first project supporting dual career students in their Erasmus+ mobility experience, co-financed by the European Commission.

SAMEurope is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.