The SAMEurope project at the Spanish National University Sport Conference

On 7 and 8 November, the Spanish National Conference on University Sport took place in Cuenca This was unique occasion that brought together more than 80 heads of sport departments from 62 Spanish universities. The National University Sport Conference, promoted annually by the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), seeks an inclusive and effective […]
Promoting dual careers at higher education institutions: a scientific paper published in Frontiers by the SAMEurope consortium

On July 1st 2024, the SAMEurope consortium officially published a research article on the renown website Frontiers. A few months ago, the project partners were presented with the opportunity to submit an abstract for the Research Topic ‘Multidimensional development of student-athletes: new perspectives on dual-career’ which completely echoes the purpose of SAMEurope. After the abstract […]