SAMEurope at the 34th EAIE Conference in Toulouse this September
From 17-20 September, the annual EAIE Conference will take place in Toulouse, France gathering more than 6,500 professionals actively involved in the internationalisation of their Higher education institutions (HEIs). This year, the SAMEurope consortium will be represented by INSA Lyon and Chalmers University of Technology during the official poster session organised by the conference, under […]
KIT vs INSA Lyon for Volleyball at the 2024 EUSA Games
The 2024 EUSA Games are taking place in the Hungarian cities of Debrecen and Miskolc from July 12th to 24th. More than 4500 athletes from European universities are currently competing in 17 different sports. The event also brings conferences and workshops on different sport topics like Anti-Doping, Inclusion and Dual Career. On Friday July 12th, […]
Promoting dual careers at higher education institutions: a scientific paper published in Frontiers by the SAMEurope consortium
On July 1st 2024, the SAMEurope consortium officially published a research article on the renown website Frontiers. A few months ago, the project partners were presented with the opportunity to submit an abstract for the Research Topic ‘Multidimensional development of student-athletes: new perspectives on dual-career’ which completely echoes the purpose of SAMEurope. After the abstract […]
The Jornadas Nacionales de Deporte Universitario meet SAMEurope
On October 26th and 27th, the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) hosted the Jornadas Nacionales de Deporte Universitario (JNDU) The event is held every year in a Spanish university as part of the Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE). The aim of the conference is to bring together university sportspersonnel from all over Spain […]
20 years KIT Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports meets SAMEurope
On April 20th 2023, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology hosted the event ’20 years KIT Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports meets SAMEurope’. The international mobility of student-athletes was under the spotlight during this SAMEurope event as KIT celebrated 20 years of being a partner university of high-level sports in Germany. Participants exchanged views on the project, and […]
SAMEurope Dissemination Event at KIT
As one of the first universities in Germany, KIT committed itself 20 years ago to supporting top athletes who are also studying at KIT. On that occasion, they will host the first SAMEurope Dissemination Event on April 20th 2023. The current top athletes at KIT, representatives from the KIT faculties, members of the Olympic bases, […]
Kick-off of the SAMEurope project under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union
From 20 to 22 June, INSA Lyon welcomed representatives of international relations and sport from Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Germany), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), and Universitat Jaume I (Spain) to celebrate the launch of the project SAMEurope – Student-Athletes Erasmus+ Mobility in Europe – which is scheduled to run for […]